(July/Aug Worship at 9:00 AM)
Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday
Our worship is participatory. There is no single leader up front doing all the talking or singing or praying. You will hear many different voices reading from the Bible, leading prayers, singing, and distributing communion. Following a printed worship folder, you will be invited to add your voice as we sing and pray together as a congregation. A brief sermon is offered, that helps connect the teaching of the Scripture reading to our daily lives. The length of our worship service is 45 minutes to an hour.
Our worship is multigenerational. In our pews you will see infants, children, youth, adults and elders. Children are welcomed as active participants in worship. Activity boxes for children are available during the service. Children’s story times are occasionally offered on the lower level during the sermon time.
Our music includes congregational songs, ancient and modern, that are most often accompanied by our pipe organ. A choir enhances our worship life by leading our singing and offering anthems that help us reflect on our spiritual life.
Dress for our worship is casual. You’ll see everything from skirts, dresses, pants, polo shirts, T-shirts and shorts. Wear what makes you comfortable. It is our joy to welcome you!
Following worship refreshments are served on the lower level. We hope you’ll join us and we can get to know you better!

Can't Attend Service?
Join us on ZOOM!
Sunday Mornings, starts approx. 10 minutes prior to service
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial in Details +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 827 6971 6677
Passcode: 275857
If you would like to receive communion during the Zoom worship, have a small amount of bread and wine/juice ready in your home worship space. During the communion liturgy, your elements will be consecrated and you may receive them at the time of communion distribution. They are the body and blood of Christ, given and shed for you.